Frequently asked questions2024-05-22T14:41:06+02:00

Frequently asked questions

In this section you will find answers to some common questions about Chagas disease.

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Are there any new drugs for treating Chagas disease coming onto the market in the near future?2024-05-21T16:14:34+02:00

Several clinical trials are currently investigating new drugs for Chagas disease. However, all of these trials are ongoing and it will take several years before they produce the results needed to obtain the approval required to market any new product.

Can I take treatment for Chagas if I am already taking other medications?2024-05-21T16:13:54+02:00

There are medications you can take at the same time as treatment for Chagas and others that are contraindicated. If you are taking medication for other conditions, you should inform your doctor about these before starting treatment for Chagas. Your doctor can tell you whether or not you can take both drugs at the same time.

Can I drink alcohol during treatment?2024-05-21T16:13:17+02:00

No. Alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited during treatment for Chagas.

How is Chagas treated in children?2024-05-21T16:12:24+02:00

Paediatric Chagas disease is treatable. The treatment in children is very effective and the sooner it is started the better the results obtained. A 30-day course of treatment is recommended in newborn babies and infants up to 1 year of age. In children aged over 1 year the recommended treatment is 60 days. The dose or amount of drug administered must be prescribed by the paediatrician.

What are the adverse effects of treatment?2024-05-21T16:11:31+02:00

The most common adverse effects associated with treatment for Chagas disease are as follows:

  • skin reactions
  • stomach pain
  • headache
  • sleep disturbances
  • fatigue
  • joint pain

Occasionally, treatment is associated with more severe adverse effects, such as fever or vomiting, which in rare cases may lead to withdrawal of treatment.

Consult your doctor immediately if you develop any side effects, even if these are not severe.

Is the treatment safe?2024-05-21T16:10:21+02:00

Treatment for Chagas disease does not produce adverse effects in most patients. When adverse effects do occur, they can usually be managed with medication and the patient can continue the treatment. Occasionally, treatment is discontinued early if the adverse effect is severe. For these reasons, drugs for the treatment of Chagas disease should always be taken under medical supervision. Patients should visit their doctor regularly during the months they are taking the drugs in case they develop adverse effects.

How is Chagas disease treated?2024-05-21T16:09:51+02:00

There are two drugs that kill the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi: benznidazole and nifurtimox. These drugs are taken in the form of pills and treatment should be administered under medical supervision for a period of 1-3 months.

Patients who have developed heart disease or digestive symptoms may also be prescribed treatment to improve those problems.

Can Chagas disease be cured?2024-05-21T16:09:14+02:00

Yes. In infants under 1 year of age, treatment is very effective. As the patient gets older, treatment does not kill the whole population of parasites, but it does reduce the risk of cardiac complications.

Can I get Chagas if I touch another person’s blood or get it on my skin?2024-05-21T16:07:22+02:00

You cannot be infected by simple skin contact. Infection can only occur when the infected blood penetrates through a break in the skin or another route of entry. Infection can be the result of contact with an infected needle. Such an accident could, for example, occur in an operating room if a health professional is accidentally pricked with a needle that has been in contact with the blood of a person with Chagas. The likelihood of infection varies depending on the stage of the affected person’s disease. In an adult with disease in the chronic stage, there are very few parasites in blood that can cause disease so the probability of transmission in this way during this phase is minimal. If the blood comes from a baby with Chagas, the possibility of infection is greater because the baby has acute Chagas disease and his or her blood will contain many circulating parasites. It is therefore advisable to use protection when cutting the umbilical cord during a delivery to prevent contact with splashes of blood on or near the eyes or mouth, since in both cases there is a risk of transmission.

Do all kissing bugs transmit Chagas?2024-05-21T16:07:52+02:00

No, not all kissing bugs transmit Chagas. There are some species that transmit the Chagas parasite and others that do not. Furthermore, even among the species that can transmit the parasite not all bugs are infected. Consequently some people who have been bitten or had contact with a kissing bug do not have Chagas disease. In many cases the bugs are born healthy and become infected when they bite a person infected with the parasite that causes Chagas disease.

¿Puedo contraer Chagas a través de la comida?2024-05-21T16:05:19+02:00

Se puede contraer Chagas a través de alimentos que han sido contaminados por vinchucas infectadas. En América Latina el consumo de algunas bebidas como el jugo de Açaí, jugos de algunas palmeras como la leche de majo o jugo de guayaba pueden ser motivo de transmisión, siempre y cuando el alimento haya tenido contacto con las heces de la vinchuca infectada.

¿Puedo contraer Chagas a través del contacto cutáneo o por relaciones sexuales?2024-05-21T16:04:39+02:00

La enfermedad de Chagas no se trasmite sexualmente ni por contacto con la piel.

¿El Chagas se transmite por la saliva?2024-05-21T16:04:05+02:00

No. No se transmite por compartir utensilios de cocina, ropa de baño, besar, abrazar ni tener relaciones sexuales.

Si ya se ha tenido Chagas ¿se puede volver a tener?2024-05-21T12:21:13+02:00

Sí, se puede volver a tener si vuelve a entrar en contacto con una vinchuca infectada, con transfusión de sangre o trasplante de órganos no controlados o con bebidas contaminadas.

I am going to visit an area where Chagas disease is endemic. Do I have to take precautionary measures?2024-05-21T12:20:32+02:00

Yes, if you will be visiting rural or suburban areas. If possible, try to stay in houses with plastered walls and keep the lights on because sleeping bugs only come out when it is dark. Travellers are also advised to carry mosquito nets and to protect their food from contamination.

I am going to receive an organ transplant. How can I ensure that I will not get Chagas disease?2024-05-21T12:19:55+02:00

You must ensure that the donor or donors have been tested for Chagas disease.

I am going to receive a blood transfusion. How do I ensure that I will not get Chagas disease?2024-05-21T12:19:07+02:00

You must ensure that the blood you will receive has been screened, that is, that it has been tested for Chagas disease and that the result was negative.

I have seen a kissing bug. What should I do?2024-05-21T12:18:25+02:00

If you see a kissing bug you should catch it while covering your hand with a plastic bag to avoid all contact with the insect. If you are successful, you should take the bug to the nearest health centre where they can test it to check for Chagas infection. If you fail to catch the bug, you should take precautions to avoid being bitten. For example, use a mosquito net, check the room where you are going to sleep, and cover all food to prevent infection by oral transmission.

I killed a kissing bug. How I can find out whether it was infected?2024-05-21T12:17:44+02:00

The best method is to catch the bug alive so that it can be screened for infection.

Do all kissing bugs transmit Chagas?2024-05-21T12:16:36+02:00

No, not all kissing bugs transmit Chagas. There are some species that transmit the Chagas parasite and others that do not. Furthermore, even among the species that can transmit the parasite not all bugs are infected. Consequently some people who have been bitten or had contact with a kissing bug do not have Chagas disease. In many cases the bugs are born healthy and become infected when they bite a person infected with the parasite that causes Chagas disease.

Is there a difference between having the infection and having Chagas disease?2024-05-21T12:15:14+02:00

Chagas disease is not always symptomatic. The disease is the result of infection with the Trypanosoma cruzi parasite and affects people who live or have lived in Latin America. Most people (up to 70%) infected with the parasite have the infection throughout their whole lives and never develop symptoms. In some people, however, the parasitic infection causes heart disease and digestive tract disorders. It is not known why certain patients develop symptoms while others do not.

What does the Chagas diagnostic test involve?2024-05-21T12:13:43+02:00

It is a specific blood test that identifies and measure antibodies against the parasite.

How do I know whether I should get tested for Chagas?2024-05-21T12:13:39+02:00

To get a clearer idea of whether you should be screened for Chagas disease, take the following test.

The result of my test shows that I have Chagas disease. Now what?2024-05-21T12:13:36+02:00

If you have Chagas disease the following advice is important:

  • You should check whether the symptoms you have are due to the disease.
  • Even if you have no symptoms you should have a heart check-up and repeat this assessment at least once a year.
  • With the help of your doctor, you should decide whether or not treatment would be useful.

Once you have contracted Chagas disease, the important thing is to try to prevent the disease from becoming chronic. It is essential to seek medical attention immediately and start treatment as soon as possible because the drug is much more effective during the initial months following infection.

People who have been diagnosed and are in the chronic phase of the disease should focus on preventing the development of the complications associated with infection. Regular doctor’s visits are recommended in such cases.

The following are a list of medical centres that offer diagnosis and treatment for Chagas disease.

Should I avoid breastfeeding my baby if I have Chagas disease?2024-05-21T12:14:18+02:00

n general, you can continue breastfeeding without problems. You should only avoid breastfeeding in 3 very specific cases:

  • if your nipple has bleeding cracks or fissures
  • if you have acute Chagas disease caused by consuming a drink contaminated with kissing bugs in Latin America
  • if you have chronic Chagas disease and the infection has been reactivated because of lowered defences

In these three cases, one alternative may be to use your own breast milk after it has been heated using a double boiler or a microwave.

What should I do if I become pregnant during treatment for Chagas disease?2024-05-21T12:14:14+02:00

Please inform your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor will tell you what to do. It is very possible that you will be told to stop the treatment and to resume when you finish breastfeeding your baby.

¿Puede contraer mi hijo el Chagas?2024-05-21T12:14:12+02:00

Hay un riesgo muy bajo de transmisión de la enfermedad de Chagas durante el embarazo y el parto. Ese riesgo es menor si la madre ya ha completado el tratamiento. Pero como no se puede asegurar al 100% que no haya riesgo, hay que hacerle pruebas al bebé cuando nazca y a todos sus hijos si usted tiene Chagas y ellos nunca se han hecho la prueba.

Estoy embarazada y no tengo ningún síntoma. ¿Debo hacerme la prueba del Chagas?2024-05-21T12:14:09+02:00

Si usted ha nacido en América Latina y está embarazada, es importante hacerse la prueba del Chagas para saber si puede transmitirlo a su bebé y en ese caso curarlo al nacer.

Si usted o su madre ha vivido en casas de adobe, si ha recibido transfusión de sangre hace años, si tiene familiares con enfermedad de Chagas, es importante que se haga la prueba. Aunque se encuentre bien porque si tiene la enfermedad es mejor saberlo a tiempo para seguir controles periódicos y valorar el tratamiento.

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